HubHub共享辦公室 布拉格 / Studio Perspektiv s.r.o.

Studio Perspektiv s.r.o.
金屬 不銹鋼 涂料 木地板
Interior design Prague  室內(nèi)設(shè)計布拉格

位于布拉格市中心,Na P?íkopě Panská街道拐角處,HubHub第一家社區(qū)分支于9月開業(yè)。布拉格Perspektiv工作室團(tuán)隊的建筑師與設(shè)計師,將HubHub大膽而勇敢的理念深深根植于這個新共享工作空間的設(shè)計中。設(shè)計的最終結(jié)果不僅僅是一個功能齊全的工作與協(xié)作空間,也是社區(qū)氛圍的催化劑。

Located in the very heart of Prague, on the corner of Na P?íkopě and Panská streets, HubHub’s first branch has just opened its gates this September. Studio Perspektiv, Prague based team of architects and designers, rooted the HubHub’s bold and brave philosophy deep into the design of this new co-working space. The result isn’t only a fully-functional space for work and collaboration. The place immediately became a catalyst of an unmistakable community atmosphere.

▼共享辦公空間概覽,view of the co-working space

Reception desk-a yellow beacon you’ll never miss.Ever


Privacy, sharing, and their optimal ratio for every scenario. These are the key areas of the project from start to finish. Detailed analysis and preparations resulted in a comprehensive spatial arrangement that subconsciously guides all HubHub members during every one of their visits. The moment you enter, you know where to go. A bold, daring reception desk made of yellow expanded metal is impossible to overlook. You see many different working areas, you immediately know what meeting rooms are free, you notice where the community kitchen is, you feel the buzz coming out of the event space.

▼入口處可以看到不同的工作區(qū)域,different working areas can be seen at the entrance area

▼黃色金屬網(wǎng)的前臺,yellow metal reception desk

You can decide

室內(nèi)平臺和中庭使空間布局更加明晰并形成了不同大小的區(qū)域。入口區(qū)域主要供自由職業(yè)和獨立工作者使用。朝向Na P?íkopě街的東北部能夠容納大型團(tuán)隊和整個公司。這兩個區(qū)域都被大型社區(qū)廚房錨固在一起。

The inner terrace and atrium articulate the space, forming several areas of various proportions. Meanwhile the entrance area is dedicated mostly to freelancers and individual work, the northeast wing facing the Na P?íkopě boulevard hosts bigger teams and whole companies. Both parts of the layout are anchored by two large community kitchen areas.

▼供自由職業(yè)和獨立工作者使用的區(qū)域,space for freelancers and individual work


view from spacious working space to individual working area and atrium

▼可容納大型團(tuán)隊的區(qū)域,space can contain bigger teams


A wide range of different phone booth types, video conference rooms, meeting rooms and boardrooms is carefully scattered over 2 000㎡ so that you always have everything you can possibly need right at hand.

▼宣講室,board room

▼小型電話間和視頻會議室,small photo booth and video conference room

A timeless design. For many years to come


The chosen aesthetics of a “twenty first century digital workshop” unfolds from the level of sustainability required.  It’s not only the design that counts, all the elements have to be able to endure a lot in the first place. Expressive metal furniture on the raised podium is, along with the yellow reception desk, designed to withstand the flow of people comparable to that in important public institutions. Kitchen tops and bars are made of stainless steel, which is yet to fully reveal its unique beauty through the everyday wear and tear.

▼富有表現(xiàn)力的金屬家具,expressive metal furniture

▼連接不同工作區(qū)域的社區(qū)廚房,kitchen that connects different working areas


In line with the “think globally, act locally” philosophy, the first Prague HubHub branch involves a ton of original Czech design work. Apart from the custom, locally made metal elements and atypical joinery, there are TON chairs and armchairs used along with Brokis light fixtures and a special “pumped up” version of Bomma’s Soap light.

▼Bomma肥皂燈,Bomma’s Soap light

▼搭配不同燈具的空間,space with different design lights


A fragile balance

顏色和造型復(fù)雜的對比是公共空間設(shè)計的基礎(chǔ)。無論是大膽的紋理和貼圖還是Karolina Stryková巧妙嵌入HubHub價值觀的動態(tài)圖畫,HubHub的強烈美學(xué)觀在不同程度上發(fā)揮著作用。灰白色中性色調(diào)的辦公室正等待著租客營造屬于自己的氛圍,所有的HubHub成員在這里都會有家的感覺。

The common spaces are based on the sophisticated contrast of colors and shapes, and the intense aesthetics of HubHub come into play at different intensities, whether in the form of branded, bold textures and stickers, or HubHub’s values masterfully embedded in dynamic illustrations by Karolina Stryková. Offices, executed in neutral shades of white and grey, are waiting for the tenants to set the atmosphere. So, all HubHub members can feel like home.

▼充滿動感的圖畫,dynamic illustrations


▼大膽幾何形體與色彩,bold shape and colour


Na P?íkopě HubHub共享辦公室是為人設(shè)計的。每個人都能夠在這里找到他/她確切想要的東西。HubHubDNAPerspektiv工作室的設(shè)計共同打開了信任與共享的大門。當(dāng)人們沉浸其中時,一個強大的社區(qū)就會成長起來。

HubHub Na P?íkopě is designed with people in mind. Everyone has the opportunity to find exactly what he/she needs. The diversity present both in the HubHub’s DNA and the interior created by Studio Perspektiv really does open the door to the atmosphere of trust and sharing. When people feel great, a strong community can grow.

▼不同處理手法的門,doors in different design approach

▼男女洗手間,male and female toilet
